Monday, September 21, 2009

selamat hari raya


allloooo.....selamat hari raya, maaf zahir batin..
kepada semua rakan2 yg tersayang....
maaf kalu ader yg tersalah dan tersilap bicara...ak mintak maaf dari ujung rambut ke ujung kaki...
janganlah simpan di dalam hati....
sesungguhnyer ak byk wt salah...kt korang sumer...
ak mintak korang lupakan perkara yg menyakitkan hati yang dah ak wt...
mmmglah mase ak wt ak xpikir baik buruk nyer tp sekarang ak betul2 mengharapkan kemaafan..
ak nakkan pembaharuan dlm idup ak....ak harap pe yg terjadi 2 dijadikan kenangan n pleaseeee lupakan je laaa kesalahan ak.....
maafkan ak.........


Thursday, September 10, 2009

.....salam lebaran..

alllloooooo sumer....

dah lme x post blog...
xsempat r..byk keje kene wt sepanjang beberapa minggu ni...oleh itu.
pagi nie, ak post blog ni khas tuk ucapkan selamat hari raya, maaf zahir dan batin..
diharap sumer akn bergembira menyambut lebaran kali ni..biarlaa lebaran kali ni lebih baik dari yg lepas2....

emmm...ak jugak nk mntak maaf kalu ader tersalah laku, tersilap bicara yg ak dh wt kt kawan2 sumer..harp diampuni segala kesalahan ak...dari ujung rambut sampai ujung kaki....
manusia biasa mcm ak mesti byk wt kesilapan..kepada geng2 jelitas terutamanya, AKU MINTAK MAAF BYK-BYK TAW..balik nati jgn lupe bawak kuih byk2 gak.

k laa...2 je kot...
sape2 yg balik naik kete ke moto ker..bwk elok2 tau..
kepada yg naik bas..pesan kt driver bas, hati2 cikit..
ak ucapkan selamat pulang ke kampung halaman masing2 dan menyambut hari raya dan selamat balik ke UMP balik.


Friday, August 21, 2009

selamat berpose !!!!

selamat menyambut ramadhan kepada sumer rakan2ku sekalian....di harap sume salah dan silap aku, korang maafkan...moga2 pada bulan yang penuh keberkatan ini, hidup kita akan bertambah baik dan teratur...thats all...

Friday, July 31, 2009

don't think that we are the best...


mula2 skali ak nk ckp selamat bercuti kepada warga UMP (coz wabak H1N1)..pandai2 la jaga diri ble ade kt umah nanti...

ok lah..mengenai tajuk blog ak pg nie...ak bukannye suka sgt nk ckp benda mcm ni tp entahlaa kadang2 ble kite yg kene, kite mestilah nk pertahankan pendirian kite walaupon mungkin xsemestinye ia betul..

ak sebenarnye agak lme xbce blog, (maklumlaa wireless asyik xdpt jek..) entah npe tbe2 teringin plak nk bukak...ble bce blog 'member' ak yg sorang nie, hati ak terasa nk post blog gak..jelesla kot..huhu..

berbalik pada tajuk di ats...'don't think that we are the best'......
sebenarnye ak xtau nk mula dari mne tp pertama skali ak nk mntak maaf laa kepada sesiapa yg terasa ngan lah, ak ni manusia biasa yg xsempurna seperti orang lain yg mmg sempurna sifatnye..ak mungkin byk melukakan hati teman2 yg rapat ngan ak dalam keadaan sedar dan xsedar..mungkin ak ingat ngan pe yg ak dh cbe lakukan tuk kwn2 ak dah memadai tp sbnrnye bg mereka 'jauh panggang dari api'...

ak ingatkn ak dh cukup bagus dlm berkawan tp rupa2nyer ak mmg xlayak pon berkawan sbb ak xpandai nk amek berat tentang kawan,xtau menjaga hati kawan dan yang paling bangang skali ak ni xpandai nk memahami hati dan perasaan seorang kawan..kesimpulannye ak mmg xpatut berkawan ngan org yg cukup sempurna sifatnye dlm berkawan ( maksud ak orang yg berhati mulia yg memahami hati kawannyer)...

walaupon ak mcm nie tp still de org yg nk berkawan ngan ak..agaknyer mereka pon ader hati batu cm ak kot...xpon mereka jgk xditerime dikalangan org yg berhati mulia dlm berkawan, macam ak jgk...
nk kate ak btol2 ader hati batu pon, xjugak sbb hati manusia bukan diperbuat daripada batu, lagipon ak ttp faham hati dan perasaan ak sendiri dan satu lg ak amat laa fhm kalu ader org yg menyindir2 ak...entahlaa, agaknyer mmg stail ak cm ni...dan yg akn datang ak nk blajar cara2 menyindir lak sbb dgn menyindir ni org akn faham mcm ak faham mksud org yg menyindir ak..
tp kalu org 2 xfaham mcm ne ek????
walaubagaimanapon kalu org 2 ske menyindir die mesti faham....ak bukan aper..ak nk blajar menyindir sbb nk jd yg 'the best'..kalu ak ckp straight forward nati akn ader yg terasa..
jd utk menjaga hati mereka2 disekeliling, ak mestilah berusaha..
kepada mereka2 yg sgt pandai menyindir,bolehlaa ajar ak ek..
ishhh2..byk plak melalut...

ok laa...utk menjd the best dalam berkawan, agaknyer mcm mne caranye? dan mcm mne plak ciri2 org yg the best nie????( fikir jgn xfikir)....

kengkawan ak pernah ckp ader 3 golongan org yg boleh dikaitkan ngan the best dlm berkawan
-pertama, org yg sgt biase dan xpernah anggap diri die the best tp sebenarnye die dinobatkan sebagai the best dikalangan rakan2 die.
-kedua, org yg berlagak die the best tp sememangnyer die adalah the best
-ketiga, org yg berlagak mcm die org yg the best dalam berkawan tp sebenarnye die adalah yg paling hampeh sekali...
agak2nyer kite di golongan yg mne???????

sebenarnyer, bg ak semua org xsama...samaada dari perangainyer atau dari caranyer...
mmg kite bleh berlagak sbb itu adalah hak kite tp perlu ke kite berlagak yg kite tau semuanyer padahal dalam mse yg sama org lain pon tahu ape yg berlaku....
sama laa jgk , ble kite nk bgtau kesalahan org tp hakikatnye kita jgk melakukan kesalahan yg sama....kadang2 kita kene tilik diri kita baru kita menilik diri org lain.

sama jgk kalu kita nk org hormati diri kita, kita mestilah hormat diri org lain

bg ak, dalam berkawan xde istilah the best, sbb kdg2 kite ade komitmen lain yg perlu disetelkan pada mse yg same ngan kawan kite memerlukan kite tp kite akn ttp try tuk jd the best 2.
kadang2 kite memikirkan benda yg brlainan ngan ape yg kawan kite fikir maksudnyer kite merasakn cara mcm ni lbh baik tp kawan kite fikir cara mcm 2 lebih baik..
oleh sbb itu, jgn laa kita berfikiran negatif, cuba berfikiran secara terbuka.....
perkara mcm ni pernah jd kt ak...ak xfikir dari sudut keadaan diri die menyebabkn antara kami menjd lebih teruk....
sekarang ak telah cuba berubah... jd ak harap kalu ade org yg mcm ak dulu 2, berubah laa,jgn wt mcm xsedar diri lak dan jgnlaa ego sgt sampai x mengaku kesalahan sendiri...
klu ader masalah, kenelah hadapi masalah itu dengan penuh kesabaran dan ketabahan..

buang yg keruh amek yg jernih..perkara yg lepas xperlu nk diungkitkan...apatah lagi sekiranya ungkitan itu membawa keburukkan kepada org lain..
hidup lah bergembira dan berbahagia dengan cara yg kite pilih..xperlu nk merosakkan hubungan org lain dengan mengungkit benda yg lepas...xperlu nk mengajar org lain berbahasa sedangkan kite xpernah berbahasa dan xjugak memberi peluang tuk org berbahasa....
bergembiralah kamu dengan caramu maka ak akan bergembira dengan caraku...
setiap org akn ade cara tuk die bergembira dan berbahagia.....

ok laa...sampai disini saje..

Sunday, July 12, 2009

my hope!!


selamat kembali ke UMP..huhu...walaupon agak terlambat tp sekurang-kurangnye ak wish gak...well... kehidupan sebagai seorang pelajar akan diteruskan lagi..dengan pelbagai cabaran dan dugaan...ak harap kite akan bersama2 menempuhinya dgn cemerlang...

pelbagai suka dan duka yg dh ditinggalkan...biarlh ia menjadi kenangan di dlm diri kita sendiri..xperlu diungkapkan lg ..biarlah ia menjadi pengalaman yg berharga wt kita...mematangkan diri kite....untuk berfikir ke arah yg lbh baik dan positif...

buang yang keruh amek yg jernih..


Sunday, May 3, 2009



ape cter sumer duk kt umah...???????
xsampai satu mingu ak dh bosan ler...
mai...mesti busy ngan kenduri...
fara...mesti cbuk shopping....
duit pt die kn dh msuk...
ak.....tidooo n makannnn..

korang nie time cuti pon sempat lg memblog...
mcm2 ak tgk...
tp yg best ble kutuk org...
kadang2 mesti terngata diri sendiri..
biase laaa...xsemua org sempurna...
kalu nk sempurna bkn manusia la 2...
well...enjoy your holiday...
nati umah ak pon nk wt kenduri gak...
jemput la datang..
kalu nk dtg tepon r...
nati ak bg direction k....

k tata..
lain kali ak sambung lg k...


Sunday, April 19, 2009

selamat menjawab exam..



emmm....esok dh exam...
ble nk exam teringat lh kt member2 sumer..mne lah tau terbuat silap dan salah...
kalu ader...
ak nk mntak maaf byk2...
biaselaa....mgkn ak dh terngumpat n terkutuk 2...
time ni laa nk jdkn ia 0-0..

harap2 korang sumer maafkan ak ek...

k r...gud luck untuk exam sok n exam2 yg lain....


Friday, April 17, 2009

perang exam...

hye salam.....

pe kabar kengkawan lg ke x nie????mne la tau dh demam nk exam ni...
emmm...pejam celik, pejam celik....(mcm kate helmi, xtau ble siang ble mlm)..
akhirnyer dh nk penghujung study week...lg 2 hari kite akn bersama2 menjwb exam...

time2 ni laaa...time kemuncak...
dh xtau nk xstudy per..bkn sbb dh abis study tp cm byk lg kene study jek....
warghhh...time2 ni lak jgk teringat zaman2 membuang mse dlu...mula laa nk menyesal...
ntah pe2 ntah....
tp ni lah..hakikat manusia yg pemalas mcm ak...huhu..(sedar diri pon)..

emm...walau cm ne pon.., kite berusahalah setakat yg kite mampu...yg selebihnyer kite same2 tawakal kpd ALLAH S.W.T...insyaallah...DIA akn membantu kite asalkan kite berusaha..

semakin dekat nk exam makne nyer semakin dekat la nk blik kampung yg tercinta.......
xsabar rasenyer nk blik....
tp yg jd mslh nyer..barang2 nie...kt ne nk sumbat...byk kot...
yg leh smpn dlm stor cme 2 kotak jek....
tp xpe yg penting leh blik...huhu...

2 bln kt nk wt ek???????
(masih dlm perancangan)
nasihat kpd kengkawan sumer...jg diri elok2 time kt umah nati....
kalu ader sape2 yg nk kawin..jgn lpe bg kad undgan kt ak ek...

ish..npe byk citer psl blik lak nih...padahal exam pon xstart lg...
sengal...(ditujukan kpd ak jek)

sedikit pandangan dan nasihat kepada kengkawan sumer tuk menghadapi exam....

yg mula2 skali...kite kene jg diri elok2..kesihatan kene jg..takut nati, time nk exam..sakit lak...kalu dh sakit nie..ssh laa...mesti xleh fokus nyer..confemm...
pastu digalakkan membuat solat hajat..moga2 hati akn sentiase tenang dan dipermudahkan menjwb soaln...
kepada sape2 yg bercouple...jgn asyik gayut jek...ingt2lah mse kite yg sgt berharga...kalu xtahan sgt...nk jgk dgr suara si dia 2...tepon laa tp jap jek ek...(peringatn kpd diri sendri)..huhu...
emm..pastu amalkn bce doa2 tertentu supaya ape yg kite hadapi ni(exam) ditempuhi dgn baik..

--doa penerang hati--

Alloohumma akhrijnaa min zhulumaatil wahm.
Wa akrimnaa bi nuuril fahm.
Waftah 'alainaa bi ma'rifatil 'ilm.
Wa hassin akhlaaqonaa bil hilm.
Wa sahhil lanaa abwaaba fadhlik.
Wansyur 'alainaa min khozaa-ini rohmatik, Ya arhamar roohimiin.


Ya ALLAH, keluarkanlah kami dari kegelapan keraguan
Dan kurniakanlah kepada kami cahaya kefahaman
Dan bukakanlah kepada kami dengan ilmu pengetahuan.
Dan permudahkanlah kami pintu anugerah kurniaan- MU
Dan bentangkanlah kepada kami pintu lipatan dari gedung perbendaharaan rahmat-MU, ya
Tuhan maha pengasih sekalian yang berkasih sayang...

Doa ni aku amek dari buku..."pedoman doa dan zikir"

lastly..ak harap ape yg kite harapkan akn same2 kite capai..
insyaallah..sme2 memohon kehadrat-NYA...


Thursday, April 16, 2009

aku dan die


seperti kate mai...pembuka kate yg baik... ni ak xtau nk citer pe rrr.....sbnarnyer byk benda yg nk kongsi n bgtaw tp ak xtau nk start dr mne...mcm xterluah jek....biaselaa dekat2 nk exam mcm2 ak fikir, dh sakit dah kpala otak ak nie....xsbr rasenyer nk blik umah...walaupon kt umah nati, ak tau masalah lain yg menanti ak tp ak rela mcm 2...sekurang2 nyer ak leh hadapi ngan kuat demi family ak yg tercinta....lebih lme ak kt cni lbh terseksa rasenyer jiwa ak.....

ak xtau ble penderitaan nie akn berakhir.....sakitnyer hanye ALLAH S.W.T je yg tau....
ak benci tuk menerima hakikat yg berlaku tp ak xmampu nk wt pe2 coz ak hanye manusia biase...
kalu ak menangis smpai kuar air mata darah pon ak xmampu mengubah pe yg berlaku....
betapa cepat ia berlaku sampai ak xtau mse ble ia bermula...tanpa ak sempat membuat ape2 persediaan dan sekarang ak dh hampir tersungkur.......
sedih ble ak xmampu nk wt pe2...walaupon hakikatnyer ak nk sangat rungkaikan permasalahan ni......
ak cme mampu bertawakal supaya pengakhiran nyer nati xbegitu menyakitkan...
korang sume pon doakan yg terbaik tuk ak ek????doakn ak dpt hadapi nyer ngan baik...
ak memerlukan sokongan korang sumer....

saat nie mmg ak sdey..tambah2 lg ble terkenangkn seorang member yg tinggalkan ak pada saat ak memerlukan die...
sblom ni die sentiase bg ak kekuatan tp skrg sumer dh berakhir...
sejujurnyer mmg ak xbley lupakan pe yg terjadi.....
walaupon ak maafkan die dan doakan kebahagiaan die tp ak ttp terkilan...
setelah pelbagai perkara ak dan die kongsi tp pengakhiran nyer noktah.
"perempuan ni senang memaafkan tp ssh tuk melupakan"..
smelah ngan ak....

kalu korang sumer nk tau....ak pernah nyatakan kekesalan ak terhadap sikap die...dan die mengaku kesalahan ak xtaula ikhlas ke x die mengaku kesalahan die 2...
tp bg ak die mmg xikhlas sbb akhirnyer die ttp mengulangi perkara yg same...
mmg die berjanji tuk berubah tp perubahan die cme satu hari jek...sakit nyer ati ble dilakukan sebegitu..lbh sakit ble die lupakan persahabatan kami sblom nie....
walaupon ak mengalirkan air mata ak atas pe yg berlaku(sblom ni ak xpernah wt cm 2)..
tp die...ak tgk sgt bahagia...
mgkn pe yg berlaku langsung x terkesan kt ati die....
"die bergembira atas kesedihan ak"...
ak xtau lah pe yg die fikir, ak xtau pe yg rase dan ak xtau pe yg die nak sbb die xbagitau ak pe2...
at last die pergi tanpa sempat ak bertanye..
dan sekarang ak ngan hidup ak dan die ngan hidup die...
ak cbe yg terbaik tuk die tp mgkn mse 2 hati die dh die dh xnmpak pe yg ak wt tuk die....
mungkin die jgk sakit hati ngan ak...sape tau..kite xtau pe yg ader dlm hati seseorg 2....

"you are alwez gonna be in my heart"
ak benci tuk menyatakan begitu,..ak nk lupakan die mcm mne die lupakan hakikatnyer ak ssh tuk lupakan persahabatan kami, walaupon sekejap jek tp ia ckup bermakna bg ak...
mgkn bg die xde makne pon tp bg ak its too worth....

well..mcm biase ak ckp..hidup xsemestinyer indah...
setiap perkara yg berlaku ader cause n effect...
terimalah ngan hati yg redha....
entahlaa....sepatutnyer ak bersyukur ats pe yg berlaku sekurang2 nyer ak pernah rase manisnyer..ia lebih baik dari xdpt pe2...
tp kdg2 terfikir gak...lbh baik xdpt rase pe2 kalu pengakhiran nyer lebih sakit dr kemanisan yg dpt....
btol x????

walau cm ne pon...
kita ni manusia biase...ape hak kite tuk pertikaikan takdir yg tertulis tuk kite..
sedangkan kite cme hamba ALLAH S.W.T di bumi ini dan dunia kite hari ini cme sementara..
setiap cabaran yg diberi akn mematangkan kite dan memberi kekuatan tuk menerima cabaran yg lain yg mgkn lbh teruk dr nie.....
ak pon sedang membina kekuatan dlm diri ak...
meneruskan hidup yg sblom ni agak menyakitkan..dan membuat persediaan tuk menghadapi pe2 kemungkinan akn datang...
doakan ak mampu dan kuat tuk hadapi nyer....

dah laa...terlebih emosi lak pagi nie...

sblom ak stop.... ak harap kengkawan sumer dh bersedia nk jwp exam..

gud luck k...


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

benci vs sayang

hye salam...

pagi ni tajuk nmpak best ckit kn??? "benci vs sayang"
agak2 nyer la kan kalu benci vs sayang, yg mne akn menang????ko rase???

dlm dunia niee...kite akn menghadapi pelbagai cabaran dan dugaan yg kadang2 kite sendiri xsangka....sampai satu saat nati kite akn terfikir mampukah kite nk menghadapi segala dugaan nie....??
kite adalah manusia yg terlalu byk kelemahan....

bagi ak dalam byk2 dugaan yg menimpa ak...yg paling berat skali, dugaan dari segi emosi atau perasaan...ia cukup membebankan ak...cukup memberi kesedaran wt ak..dan mematangkan diri ak..

ak nk tanye la kt sape2 yg bce blog ak nie...
pernah x anda sume mengalami suatu keadaan yg memakse untuk membenci seseorang yang pada hakikat sblom ni anda sume nk sgt menyayangi diri seseorang itu. tapi disebabkn keadaan atau peristiwa yg berlaku, anda mengambil keputusan untuk membenci diri dia.
mungkin salah diri anda sume, mungkn gak salah diri dia..

perkara mcm nie pernah terjadi kt diri ak..
disebabkn keadaan, ak amek kputusan tuk jauhkan diri ak ngan die....sbb bagi ak kehadiran ak selama ni dlm hidup die cme sbgai sandaran, sbgai bahan tuk diambil kesempatan dan langsung xpernah dihargai...
walaupun ak sakit diperlakukan cm 2 tp ak ttp harap die bahagia ngan hdup die, ngan cara yg die ske dan die pilih....
mmg cukup sakit bila saat ak perlukan die,perlukan sokongan dr die tapi saat 2 jgak die pergi dan saat 2 jgak ak harus trima hakikat yg ak akn kehilngan die...

well, hidup xslalunyer indah...
tiap2 ari kite akn sentiase diuji dan saat 2 bru kita tahu kelemahan diri kite...
tapi ape yg perlu kite wt, kite trima lah ngan hati yg terbuka..
percayalah ngan diri sendiri kita mampu menghadapi nye...
ALLAH S.W.T xkn memberi kite dugaan yg kite xmampu nk tanggung.
btol x????

k r...
smpi cni jek...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


pagi nie ak nk cter psl cinta sbb biaselaa ni kan topik pling hangat dan meletup..
banyak yg ak bce n ak dengar mesti ader psl cinta...mmg lumrahlah, bdk2 remaja yg nk membesar mcm kite nie mmg xleh lari dr cinta...ramai org dok cbuk berkepit sane sini, nk g mkn berdua, nk g study pon berdua, nk g joging pon berdua, mne2 pegi pon berdua jek( xde ke bertiga, xpon berempat)....biase la ngah mabuk bercinta mmg cm 2...mcm2 ragam...kt u ni pon berlambak, mesti ader yg berdua xkiralah dimana saja anda berada..

ops sblm 2 ak nk ckp....ak bkn nk mengata atau mengumpat atau memfitnah atau pe2 saje yg sewaktu dengannyer...sbb ak pon couple gak, ader pakwe n tau cm ne rasenyer bercinta nie...pernah la jgk melalui zaman mabuk2 nie...
kt cni ak cme nk nyatakan pendapat, mungkin ade gak cdagn n jugak cterkn pengalamn ak ckit2...bkn nk promosikn kisah diri sendri tp saje nk kongsi...jgn salah anggap deh..

ak nk start ak nyer bebelan dgn soalan lu..
mula2 kite nk trime cinta yang kita pk...
mmg la kn bila hati dh terpaut, jantung dh berdenyut kencang 2...tandanyer kite dh mula ske kt seseorang 2....
tp pernah x kite pk, ok ke kalu ak bercinta ngan budak ni??
kalu ak bercinta ngan die org x mengata ke???
ader org sakit hati x??
mak n ayah ak xper ke, diorg kisah ke x?? ne ngan pelajaran ak nati???
bley balance x nieee..??
kalu ak bercinta ngan die, nk serius ke nk main2...
kalu ak serius, mesti nk die jd teman hidup btol ke pilihan ak ni???
mne tau tbe2 sekerat jalan plak...
penat jek berhabis tp at last hancusss....
hati merana jiwa tersiksa xpsl2...
pas2 mula laa...menangis xsudah2..
kalu ak main2 lak...takut die lak yg serius...kalu ak mntak putus nati..die xnk n ugut nk wt benda2 yg bukan2 cmne???
lagi ssh nie.....
adusss...penat pikir...
sakit kpala otak ak...

pas2....mesti lah kite tanyer pendpt kengkawan sumer..
member2 pon ckp, kalu ko dh ske truskan aje..jgn peduli pasal orang lain..xde makne nyer..!!!
tp sebenarnyer ader makne setiap pe yg kite wt ni...mgkn kite sedar, mgkn jgak kite xsedar..
emm pasal sedar xsedar ni kite tolak tepi lu...nati sambung lain kali..
org kate kite kene ikut kate hati...btol ke???
ko rase????????

bagi ak laa kn...kalu kite nk bercinta mmg laa depend on hati kite..kalu kita xske cm ne nk couple kita kene sedar la kemungkinan2 nyer yg akn terjd pd mse akn dtg...
nk cter kisah ak ckit...mse muda2 dlu..
ak mse mula2 bercinta lu..xpernah pon pk psl kemungkinan2 nie...yg penting ak nk bercinta mcm org lain gak..ble org dh mintak 2, ak trima ngan hati yg terbuka....lpas 2 bru ak sedar,sbnarnyer pe yg ak nk?????
ak btol2 ske ke tipu2 je ni...
entah laa ak pon xtau......
tercari2 jwpn nyer.....(tp skrg ak dh tau)...huhu..
ak percaya pada jodoh..kalu dh ditakdirkn mcm 2, walau kite xske mcm mne pon, kite ttp ngan die gak...btol x????huhu..
dh r..xnk cter pjg2 psl diri ak....
so kesimpulannyer..ak rse kite perlu analisis dlu sblom kite wt pe2 keputusan...
wt keputusan based on diri kite sendri..keupayaan, keyakinan dan keadaan diri kite.

emm..k r..penat dh tulis...
tp sblom ak habis membebel...ak nk bg ckit peringatan kpd couple2 termasuk laa ak..
kite ni couple, couple jgn laa keterlaluan...
sbb kita x pasti lg...btol ke pilihan kite ni...mne la tau lpas ni jpe yg lbh sempurna...
jgn letakkan sepenuh kepercayaan kepada couple kite...sbb kite hanye tau luaran jek..kite xtau dalaman die cm ne...
pas2 mcm biase jgn abaikan keadaan sekeliling kite...pelajaran, kawan2, family dan yg lain2...sbb nati ble ditakdrkn kite ssh, xde sape yg boleh kite harapkan selain yg terdekat ngan kite...
jgn terlalu obses terhdp cinta smpai mengabaikan benda2 lain..
mungkin kite xsedar ape yg kite wt sbb dlm hati kita cme penuh ngan cinta tehdp si dia berusahalah sedarkn diri sblm terlmbt...kite yang control diri kite sendri bknnyer org lain.....
same2 lah kita muhasabah diri sendri..
k r sampai kt cni je dlu...
nati sambung blik...mata ak dh ngantok r...

Monday, April 13, 2009

jom borak


alowaaa..kepada rakan2 ku yang tersayang...

hahaha...skema giler ayat...pape pon, mula2 ak nk ucapkan tima kasih laa pd sape2 yg bce blog entry ak ni...xde laa menarik pon per yg ak nk tulis biase laa kalu kpala cam bangang jek study, sakit gak...tuk mengisi mase lapang yg mmg terbuang ni...baik ak tulis blog ckit..

emm..xtau laa nk cter per...

tp org ckp, lbh afdal kita mulakan yang perkenalkan diri ke?????

huhu...lantak laa btol ke x tp ak mmg nk ckp ckit psl diri ak..

awal2 lu xreti laa nk ckp psl diri, maklumlaa dlm BI..sume2 blog 2 pon main copy n paste jek..hahaha..

kt bwh ni ak nyatakan ckit psal diri ak...

name ak: sume org dh tau kan...

asal: ak org ganu, dok kt daerah besut..kampung ak kira terpencil la gak...kalu ak ckp mesti org
xtau ktne, so xpyhla ak ckp kn...

besday: 27 hb2 1989 (dh lpas dah, xpe thun dpn de lg..jgn lpe kasi adiah)

no henfon: 014-8493325( promote ckit..)

hoby : ak pon xtau pe hobi yg penting tido...

cita2: mesti laa dh dh amek engineering nih...

benda yg ak pling ske wt : ...................................

benda yg pling ak xske wt :.................................

(akn diisi kemudian, sbb blom jpe lg yg sesuai, harap maklum)

dh laa...yg lain xyh laa ckp...

kalu nk ckp sume nati xckup lak ruang kt cni..(berlagak ckit, mcm byk jek yg nk ckp)

mula2..ak ingat mls dah nk pduli psl blog ni....
tp jeles lak tgk org lain sibuk jek ag jeles rrr...
kali ni ak xde topik nk ckp...
lain kali mungkin de la kot...
kalu sape2 yg bce blog ni nk bg cadangan..leh la kasi tau....nati leh laa same2 kte borak2 n kutuk2..huhu...

k r...tuk kali ni...
nati ak post lg ek..
blahhh lu....


Sunday, April 5, 2009

last entry-read it


This is the last entry that i will post in my blog for the technical writing subject.
Most of the entries that i had post were related to us...maybe it actually happen to us..
so, in order to get through all the problems, we need to take positive step and try to analyse it one by one because all the problems have the solution but we need to find it. It depend to us how we want to solve it but i hope it not hurting the others.

Beside this, i also posted the tips that we can share and useful for us to try. Try it...maybe we can solve our present problems effectively.
hope.. what had i posted can help all of you a lot.

lastly, if my entries had make someone hurt. i am sory because i am a human that have many weakness and i'm sure that all of you are same with me..

gud luck in your final exam..


sit in front of the computer


With a correctly configured workstation you should be able to sit for hours without hurting your back, neck, arms, or wrists. Below are the recommendations, to help you to achieve correct ergonomics or body positioning.

Choosing a well-designed office chair is an essential step in achieving good computer ergonomics. A good chair will preserve and support the natural curves of your back. In the neck and low back the spine curves in, and in the middle back the spine curves out. To perform well the contour of the chair's back should match the curves of your back. This support keeps you from slouching when you sit.

A taller seat back is better than a shorter one. The lower portion of the seat back should support your lower back's inward curve, and the upper portion should support your middle back's outward curve.Sit all the way back in your chair so the seat back can do its job of supporting the curves of your spine.

A good chair must be well padded.

Your legs should be parallel to the ground; and those with short legs may need a footstool. A chair that reclines offers a good change of position that can help prevent fatigue. Reclining allows you to change positions and still receive the support of a well-contoured seat back.

Once you have a properly supporting chair, you can turn your attention to the desktop.

You keep your head from looking up and down by keeping your head and eyes level. This is accomplished by raising the computer monitor so that your eyes hit the screen three quarters of the way up. A level head keeps your neck muscles from having to constantly contract to hold your head in a poor position.

You keep your head from looking left and right by placing the monitor directly in back of the keyboard. This avoids the common practice of placing the monitor off to the side. This side positioning causes your neck to stay constantly turned leading to stressed muscles in your neck and shoulders.

Next, the keyboard must be low - almost in your lap. This allows your shoulders to stay close to your side and remain relaxed. Placing the keyboard too high forces you to constantly contract the muscles of your shoulders so your forearms can reach the keyboard. If your chair has "arms" you can position the keyboard a little higher so long as the chair's arms support your forearms. But if your chair does not have arms, position the keyboard close to your lap so your forearms can be positioned down by your side.

Your wrist should be relaxed and straight or slightly flexed (curved down). The mouse should be right next to the keyboard. And finally, be sure to take regular breaks.

Laptops are an ergonomic nightmare because the keyboard is right next to the monitor. But the solution is simple: purchase an extra keyboard to "separate" the monitor from the keyboard and position each as described above.

One last thought. These chair suggestions are useful for any seating situation. If you have back pain, sit in a comfortable office chair at home. Don't sit in hard kitchen chairs or slouch on a couch.


sleep apnea


Each breathe lasts long enough that one or more breath are missed each time. This habit of improper breathing is diagnosed by an overnight sleep test called polysomnogram.

Doctors describe the clinically significant levels of sleep apnea in five or more episodes per hour. As far as studies are concerned, three distinct forms of sleep apnea have been found. These include: central, obstructive and complex apnea. Each form of disorder emerges due to different reasons.

Breathing is interrupted by lack of respiratory effort in case of central sleep apnea. Whereas, breathing faces a physical block of air flow in obstructive apnea. There is a transition from central to obstructive features during different events in complex sleep apnea.Symptoms of this particular kind of problem may be present in an individual for years without any sort of identification. Sufferer might feel day time sleepiness and fatigue because of the problem.

Researchers have come out with effective treatments for the common apnea disorder. Use of a continuous positive airway pressure device during sleep pressurizes the air flow into the throat. Apart from this, in severe cases NIPPY machines are also used to provide treatment to the patient.With the belief of thousands in using the natural way to prevent the sleep apnea problem, different positions of sleeping are also invented that will lesser the chances of getting affected.

One of the most common problem is sleeping in lateral position that is beneficial for people suffering from central sleep apnea.Another common practice is learning and applying didgeridoo that reduces the snoring, sleep apnea and daytime sleepiness problem.

Concerned your health, we need to become aware of these common sleep disorders that might land up in troubling a lot. Different physical exercises should be made to relieve the sufferers and let the lead a healthy life.


tips to lost weight


how to lose your weight...
try this tips..


The most simplest and natural way to burn some calories is to wake up early in the morning and go out in a garden near your house for jogging. The best thing about jogging is that it doesn’t require rigorous effort and yet has many benefits pertaining to losing weight.


Cycling is a very good activity to indulge in, in order to lose weight by burning some unwanted calories. Many people pursue it as a hobby and it is best for teens how are fighting obesity at a younger age. Make some friends and ask them to join you for your cycling activity on daily basis. Don’t forget routine is very important for fighting obesity through cycling.

Use Small plates

This practice is very smart when it comes to using your mind to lose weight. This involves using small plates which would accommodate small amount of food, for eating. The plate would appear full and this would make you feel that you are eating in sufficient amount even when you are eating less and you will not carve for more food. This practice is really important for people who have lesser control on their diet.

Drink water at crucial time

Water too can play a significant role in helping you lose weight. For instance if you are feeling hungry you can reduce your hunger by having a glass of water instead of binging on unhealthy food items like fries, burgers and alike. On should also avoid drinking water after the diet when the stomach is full rather one should prefer drinking water before the diet which would reduce your appetite to some extent.

Eat a lot of salads

Salads are rich in fiber and can do wonders when it comes to facilitating your weight loss process. Always complement your meal with salads constituting stuff like cabbage, cucumber, carrots and alike. Eating salads before the diet can lead to some reduction in your hunger and you’ll eat less.

Use diet pills

Diet pills like acomplia act as one of the best tools for facilitating your weight loss process. They act as appetite suppressant and reduce your appetite by stimulating certain neurotransmitters present in your brain. As a result you begin to eat significantly less thereby doing wonders for your overweight problem.


Yoga is perhaps the best technique to enable you connect your spirit to your body. This connection is essential because it helps you reduce stress and feeling of anxiety caused due to obesity. And once you are free from unnecessary thinking and worrying you can concentrate better on your motive that is, losing weight.

try it !!!!!!!




A team is that where I end and WE start. A team is a collection of people where they can share ideas. A successful team contains a team of successors. In a team work is shared and results are doubled.In a team there are different categorized people, we need not feel inferiority complex.

The reason for this is a person with little knowledge, common sense, and basic principles can also be very effective. When we form as a team we should consider it as a place, where we exchange our ideas. We feel satisfied when we work with a successful team. Each ones contribution makes the team successful.

To make a good team we need:

• Self understanding
• Good communication with others
• Commitment to the team
• Reciprocation of ideas
• Attitude to be kept a side
• Innovative ideas, no adhoc system

To be a part of good team we must not try to change others and no boss attitude should be there. In a team everyone is same and can share his thoughts. Be frank; admire a person for his good work need not wait for some other instance.

Motivation is a key to success. It will help you to enhance better results. Friendly atmosphere will be comfortable and will surely maximize your achievements. When we out throw the individuality and works as a team IMPOSSIBLE becomes POSSIBLE.We work together as a team which means exploring to new heights.

A team does not only produces great results but also a qualitative amount of work. Once you start building a quality performance everyone expects you to continue that. The quality work speaks for reliability. It can be achieved only where mistakes are taken as good things. It can be done by focusing on Zero errors to be assessed regularly and improve has to be made accordingly.

A team can be made of different levels of people consisting of some basic characteristics. Members should have retrospective effect. They should contribute, learn and work together. There can be share of leadership and responsibility qualities. They are truly focused on their goals with good communication and future purpose.

This will help them bring innovative ideas and explore their abilities. Keep updated yourself to the present needs and keep changing according to the needs of the future.

Try to be a good member in your group...response positively for the responsibility that been given.


remember what u read


Sometimes ordinary reading methods may not help you to remember the chapter content well. You feel the reading is tough and get bogged down in this murky reading assignment. You can try the following reading techniques which help to ease the reading and help you to remember what you have read better.

Tip 1: Read it again.

It's often easier in the second time.For many students, if they try to read the difficult material again, such as technical writing in science text can become easier in the second time around. You may get confuse when trying to understand the content at the first time. Do not despair, take a short rest after reading the first round; when you return to read the material again, you will find it easier to understand than when you read it at the first time. Repeat read it again if needed.

Tip 2: Pause reading for mini review.

Don't read the whole chapter if you find yourself has difficulties to understand the content. After reading one or two paragraphs, pause briefly to summarize what you have read so far, verbally or in writing. Use your own words to review back what you have read so far. Then, jot down some notes or create a short outline or summary.

Tip 3: Look for essential words.

When you are stuck on a paragraph, try to mentally skip those adjectives and adverbs words. Just look for the essential words in the paragraph. Those essential words normally are in verbs and nouns. By focusing the essential words, your mind can absorb them better.

Tip 4: Consult your instructor.

Most teachers welcome their students to approach them if they need any help in their study. If you stuck with your reading, admit it and arrange an appointment with your instructor for consultation on the part that you are confused with.

Tip 5: Read It Aloud.

Instead of reading with your mind, try to read out with your mouth...aloud and use your ear to hear what you have read. Try to read it out for several times and each time using a different inflection, which emphasizing a different part of the sentence. Be creative and imagine you are the presenter talking to your audience.

Tip 6: Change positions periodically when reading.

Changing positions of readings periodically can combat fatigue and refresh you mind. You can play with standing as you read and read it aloud when you get stuck on a tough paragraph. Beside that, you also can choose to walk around while reading, it make you remember better.

Tip 7: Find a tutor.

If there is a need, approach a tutoring service to help you. Many schools provide free tuitions for their students, or you can find a paid tutoring service on the subjects which you need helps.

Tip 8: Get a group of study mates.

Other than the professional tutoring services, you can also form a study group among your peers and schedule discussion sessions for the selected chapters each week. You can use this group study to perform reading session; each one will rotate reading aloud and allows other to ask questions which related to the topic. When you answer the question, it helps you to remember better.

The ordinary reading methods may not enough to help you to remember what you have learned in a chapter. You need to find a few reading techniques which can help you. Above tips are just among the many reading techniques which you can try them on.


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

improve vocabulary


One of the best ways to expand your vocabulary are read and talk. This is very true especially with special needs children. When you always talk to the child, you are unknowingly helping him to expand his vocabulary and ignite his curiosity.

Vocabulary and the need for knowledge and information are two crucial things in learning.When a child wants to know about something and he knows he can get it through reading, it is enough motivation to want him to read. In the same manner, if the child reads more, he will have more chances of getting more words into his vocabulary bank.

The “learning readiness” factor is different from one child to another because we have the so-called individual differences. It applies to learning and reading readiness as well. So how can you help your special needs child get ready to read and develop his vocabulary?

How To Develop Vocabulary Through Reading

Reading allows children to encounter new words. There are actually more words used in written language compared to spoken language. Because of this, a child will learn more new words through reading. The more you read to a child, the more he will be able to develop his vocabulary.

To further help the child develop his vocabulary, parents and teachers should consider the following pointers:

Remember that the more times a word is heard, the more it will be remembered. So if you want your child to master a word, repeat it many times. Also use the word regularly in conversations involving the child.The words that are commonly heard at home are the words that the child will most likely master. So if you are teaching your child a word, ask the other members of the family to use the word.

Reading is one the best ways to develop a child’s vocabulary.When a child learns to read, vocabulary development follows, thus, reading is crucial.It is important that a child develops his vocabulary. In the same manner, it is equally important that a child learns to read to further improve his vocabulary.

Parents and teachers should help the child understand the importance of reading. They should also introduce reading as an interesting aspect of learning. This can be done by using attractive, easy to understand and educational reading materials – one like POPS resources.
And proper guidance and support should also be part and parcel of any reading and vocabulary activities.

together we achieved our vocabulary and also our child in the future!!!!!


More recent experiments and researches have revealed that the effects of global warming on agriculture and food supply are not that good after all. AN UNEP 2001 report on the global warming has predicted that USA is going to have more droughts, floods, landslides and storms.Winter will gradually be shortened and sobered down, while summer will rise in expansion and severity. Along with this heavy rain, big storm, heavy snowfall, high sea level, increasing coastal erosion and other problems will occur.

Though as one of the effects of global warming, the overall food supply and production level is supposed to rise in USA, but the Great Plains will suffer with more droughts resulting for global warming.Even now many effects of global warming on agriculture and food supply have been perceived.

The popular maple syrup production of North east USA has diminished by 10. This will create dire water shortage in summer, making the Central Valley area unsuitable for agricultural production for global warming. The State University of Colorado has declared that the area is going to be less productive due to effects of global warming on agriculture and food supply. As the effects of global warming, the food supply production in Florida is going to suffer a lot due to frequent and large scale floods. Also one of the most profitable agricultural products of USA - corn will suffer a bad condition due to dry and hot atmosphere for global warming.

As another example of the effects of global warming on agriculture and food supply - with the rise of temperature by 3 to 11 degrees in this century, the production rate of the main crops - the rice, corn, wheat, barley, soybeans and sorghum - will be cut down by 3-5% for each point rise of temperature for global warming.

However with all these effects of global warming on agriculture and food supply, new attempts have been made to adjust the agricultural and food production method according to the changing atmosphere. So to fight the effects of global warming, the researchers have established new methods of production with continuous revision of models. But still the best possible process to reduce the effects of global warming on agriculture and food supply is to be established.

The solution is still in processes but why not we try to help them also in order to live in better life in the future.


global warming-- how can u help


For this time entry, i would like to share about global warming which is the world issue today.
Global warming over the next half-century could put more than a million species of plants and animals on the road to extinction, according to an international study Thomas, lead author of the study published in the science journal Nature, said emissions from cars and factories could push temperatures up to levels not seen for 1 million to 30 million years by the end of the century, threatening many habitats. The sweeping new analysis, enlisting scientists from 14 laboratories around the globe, found that more than one-third of 1,103 native species they studied in six regions around the world could vanish or plunge to near extinction by 2050 as climate change turns plains into deserts or alters forests.

Global warming is widely blamed on rising concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere linked to emissions of gases from burning fossil fuels in cars, factories and power plants. We can cut global warming pollution by reducing pollution from vehicles and power plants. We can increase our reliance on renewable energy sources such as wind, sun and geothermal. And we can manufacture more efficient appliances and conserve energy. But all this will take time, instead we should think of alternatives which can be done immediately like doing ridesharing or carpool, using clean fuel like CNG.

There is no reason to wait and hope that hydrogen fuel cell vehicles will solve the problem in the future. Right away, we should put existing technologies for building cleaner cars and more modern electricity generators into widespread use.
If current trends continue Global warming will have catastrophic effects like:

• Melting glaciers, early snowmelt and severe droughts will cause more dramatic water shortages in the American West.

• Rising sea levels will lead to coastal flooding on the Eastern seaboard, in Florida, and in other areas, such as the Gulf of Mexico.

• Warmer sea surface temperatures will fuel more intense hurricanes in the south-eastern Atlantic and Gulf coasts.

• Forests, farms and cities will face troublesome new pests and more mosquito-borne diseases.

• Disruption of habitats such as coral reefs and alpine meadows could drive many plant and animal species to extinction. Such alarming facts call for some serious action on each one’s part and we can contribute by sharing our vehicles and making carpools in our cities.

we can save our world!!!!


teenagers with depression


According to a survey 20 percent of teens will experience teen depression before they reach adulthood, 10 to 15 percent of teenagers have some symptoms of teen depression and 5 percent of teens are suffering from major depression. One of the most alarming facts to come from all the research; depression is affecting younger and younger people - adolescents and teenagers. So teen depression is a very common and dangerous disease.

Depression in adolescents can express itself as irritability, hostility, and anger, which can often lead to miss diagnosis.Teenage girls are suffering from depression more than teenage boys.Teens get depressed, including rejection, abuse or low self-esteem. Depression is not caused by chemical imbalances, whether in adolescents, teenagers or adults.

The child may exhibit extreme fear of being separated from a parent or lose interest in participating in games with other children. Depressed people often don't feel much like talking or can't find the words to describe what's wrong.


Belief that life is not worth living
Decrease in performance at school
Complaints of feeling guilty or worthless
Critical and insolent behavior
Hallucination or strange attitude
Weight has changed
Complains of feeling tired all the time

Also they may have increased problems at school because of skipped classes, lack of interest or motivation, or poor concentration and low mental energy caused by the depression.

There are so many causes of depression but three are main:

Social rejection
Family turmoil
Failing exams

First, there are two kinds of depression:
The sad kind, called major depression, reactive depression, and manic-depression or bipolar illness, when feeling down and depressed alternates with being speeded-up and sometimes acting reckless. Sometimes drug and alcohol use can lead to depression; but more frequently, teens that are depressed seek out alcohol and other drugs to avoid dealing with their depression and how it makes them feel. Often teenagers react to the pain of depression by getting into trouble: trouble with alcohol, drugs, or sex; trouble with school or bad grades; problems with family or friends.

Most teens with mental health problems do not get the help they need. And you can help him/her by contacting to Psychologist, psychiatrist, school counselor or nurse, trusted family member, family doctor or professional at a mental health center.Listen to patient, and make sure your friend knows that you care andEncourage him/her to talk to a professional.that’s is the advantages having friends.


Tuesday, March 31, 2009

story behind trouble teens


For today entry..i would like to talk about troubled teens. Whose that we clarify as the troubled teens???????

Troubled teens are young adults those are rejecting their heritage, rebelling against parental authority, looking for acceptance in the wrong places, and to whom academic pursuit is no longer a part of their vision. Troubled teens are young adults that suffer from one, or some of the following symptoms-Alcohol or drug abuse, Depression, Attention Deficit Disorder, Disrespect, Poor academic performance, Bad Attitude, Display of negativity (physically or mentally), Teen pregnancy, Suicide attempt, Eating Disorder. Teens experience sadness. Frustrations, disillusionment, the first heart break and hormones running amok are bound to sadden the gladdest of hearts on occasion but some teens experience a sadness that goes deeper, lasts longer and weighs heavier. This deeper, darker sadness is depression. A normal teen can turn into a troubled teen for a combination of reasons. The reason is listed below:

- Depression is one of the most common disorders: Depression causes decreased energy and social isolation. The teen may have difficulty with motivation. The depressed teenager will have difficulty summoning the energy to perform the activities they enjoy, as well as the activities the parent assigns as chores. They may, for instance, not "feel like" going to the mall with their friends, not "feel like" going to the rock concert, etc. The teen may feel tired all the time because sleep disturbances are also a sign of depression. They may feel as if they are insignificant and become irritable, taking out their misery on family members via verbal, emotional or physical abuse.

- Hopeless: Troubled teens usually do not have any ambitions in life, or at least they are not strong enough to find for achieving them. Some troubled teens exert negative influences on others.

- Panic attacks: Sometimes, he/she may be nervous doing a certain task that may be scary. Teens fear is to challenge your negative thinking with positive statements and realistic thinking. When encountering thoughts that make you’re fearful or anxious, challenge those thoughts by asking yourself questions that will maintain objectivity and common sense. For example a man/women afraid that if they do not get that job promotion then he/she will be stuck at your job forever. This depresses him or her; however your thinking in this situation is unrealistic. Facing the fear and anxiety of the unknown: All most everybody worries about what will happen in the future? The prospect of not knowing if something good or bad will happen to you in the near future can produce a lot of fear and anxiety. Alcohol and substance abuse: It is not easy to deal with his/her fears and anxieties however trying to avoid them through Alcohol or other substances will not work. Avoiding his/her fears and anxieties will not make them go away. His or her fears and anxieties will always be there.

- Loneliness: Sometime he or she will experience a time when we are alone. Some people fear of being alone for various reasons. At that time the depression came to his or her mind. Strong pressures and stress of life: Considering the world of today with all the high-pressure from parents, school, peers, advertising and the amount of information that is thrown at them daily it is no wonder that troubled teens are getting more and more. As young adults, they are shaping their personalities yet too many become troubled teens, unable to grow strong and secure due to the pressures and stress of life. Many of them itself creates ideal conditions for the development of troubled teens, because it have proven that such teenagers have underdeveloped front part of the main brain, which makes it difficult for them to determine right from wrong.

Many believe that troubled teens are product of the society they live in. But as it was already mentioned, it is most likely a combination of reasons that make teens troubled. It is not easy to deal with the fear of the unknown, however sometimes the fear can be worse than the situation.

Just compared with our life today..
Do we are the one among them..?????
Take the positive step and never take the problems and the depression as something that cannot be solve and disappeared. We choose what we want in this life. Your choice will control your future.......


Saturday, March 28, 2009

your friends and those whose love you


i want to start my entry with a question...

A frequently asked question is: “Why do so few people succeed when there is so much opportunity in the world?” The answer is simply that some of your closest friends and relatives love you too much. Seems like a crazy statement doesn’t it? So please read on to discover the logic and wisdom that has gone into it.

Why not start by examining love and friendship?

If you love somebody you want to protect them from all the problems and obstacles that life throws up from time to time. You want place a protective barrier around them so that they are subjected only to the good things and are far removed from risk or exposure. This is a fact and if you do not express love in this manner you should maybe take a look at your relationships.

It is very similar with friendship in that we want our friends to be protected from anybody, or thing, that may be a danger to them. This is a natural response that we all feel otherwise there would be no such thing as friendship and the world would be a poorer, less happy place.

But do not close your mind to the fact that you are big enough to protect yourself from the problems that life may bring and you cannot be a success if you do not overcome problems.

Here are some examples that explain this phenomenon:

Just watch a mother protecting her child: She doesn’t want him to take up boxing because he may get hurt. If she feels he is being treated unfairly at school she takes the matter up with the teacher or school principle. If she feels he is doing anything that may upset him if it goes wrong she immediately starts to steer him away from it. If that fails she makes a darn good excuse for him to use if it does fail in the future. She is making a soft landing for him.

Before we examine the effects of the mother’s natural behaviour let us take a look at friendship and how friends protect each other.

A young man is slightly drunk and arrives at a ladies house and tries to talk her into letting him in. She makes a polite excuse and sends him away. As soon as he leaves she thinks about whom he may go to next and she realizes that he is also friendly with a one of her girlfriends. First thing she does is telephone the girlfriend to warn her that she may get a call from this drunken friend.

She does this because she wouldn’t be a very good friend if she didn’t; or so she thinks. Even police investigations are often hampered by friends protecting each other when they don’t know the reasons for the investigation. It is natural for friends to protect each other just as it is natural for a mother to support her child. But, and this is a big question: Are you helping or harming your friend with your sense of care?

People that are close to you actually hold you back by feeding negative comments to you in an effort to protect you.

but sometime we blame them and not appreciate what they do for us..
do not think that we are the best...
because everybody have their weaknesses....


recover from break ups


Break up seem to be, unfortunately a normal part of the modern day life. Healing from relationship break-ups and divorce are a difficult task at best.
Some people never completely recover, carrying with them the pain of the break up through life. Others become immobilized from the fear of getting close to a partner again. Even celebrities have break-ups; Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston to be said the most famous one.

Even if you are the one who initiated the breakup, the feeling of loss and separation can be distressing. There is a mental state called “separation anxiety”, which describes the feelings you may have now that your partner is no longer a part of your life, your thoughts, and your emotions. The important thing is to figure out the best way to get past this and get the breakup out of your system.

The following are the top 10 ways to recover from a break up and speed up the healing process.

1. Allow yourself plenty of healing time.

Different people heal at different rates so be patient with yourself. It’s okay to grieve and cry, just make sure you make an effort to not use this as an excuse for being a hermit many months later.

2. Stay busy.

Don’t allow yourself any “daydreaming” time. If you have time for a part time job, get one. If you don’t want a job, take up some volunteer work. Take up a hobby. Focus on anything you enjoy.

3. Exercise and improve your diet.

Besides giving you a positive endorphin rush, joining a gym can put you into social circumstances. Through exercising and improving your diet, you’ll not only be taking care of your body and your health, you’ll improve your self esteem as well.

4. Make an effort to meet new people.

Join a club, take a class, volunteer, go the park, attend a concert. Allow these larger social groups to replace the connections you had with your lover for a while. Take action and just do it.

5. Seek professional therapy.

There is no shame in seeking outside help. If you can’t afford therapy, seek out a support from a relationship recovery message board.

6. Surround yourself with as many family and friends as possible.

If your relationship with your friends and family suffered because of the huge amount of time you spent with your sweetheart, now is the time to patch up old relationships.

7. Focus on yourself.

Much of your energy went into your relationship and now you have time to pamper yourself. Take those long baths you never had time for, read that saucy novel that has dust on it, so now is the time to work on yourself.

8. Strengthen your spiritual side.

Pray or go to church for non muslim. It’s amazing how these things can help re-center you.

9. Give advice to other women who have it much worse than you.

It will put things in perspective and allow you to stop feeling sorry for yourself. There are lots of people with problems far worse than yours. Help them.

10. Adopt a pet.

Studies show that people with pets are overall happier and live longer. Go to your local animal shelter and adopt a pet in need. Just make sure you have the time to take care of your new friend properly.

believe in can do it..
although the pain is so hurting you...
you can if you want to...


Friday, March 27, 2009

overcome your past mistakes


For the first sentence I want to say that I strongly believe that in life we should have no regrets. Quite simply you cannot change what has gone before so why waste time regretting what you cannot alter? But that's not to say that you should ignore the things you have done in the past that went wrong or those occasions when you made mistakes. Instead you should always be prepared to learn from them and so take something positive from all of your experiences.

So I'm going to ask you to look back, just for a moment. Bring to mind something from your past where things went wrong or you believe you made a mistake or failed to achieve what you wanted to do. It may be something that continues to play on your mind and so possibly prevents you from doing today, the things that you really desire. You may have to go back to your childhood or it could just as easily be something that happened in the last week that it is still really bugging you.

Whatever it is be open and honest with yourself and then follow these 10 simple steps:

Step 1

Write down exactly what happened with as much detail as you can. Be precise and try not to let any feelings you have about the incident cause you to edit or leave out important facts.

Step 2

Define what part you had in the incident. What actions did you take, were they deliberate acts, or were they things you were persuaded or even forced to do by someone else?

Step 3

Define who else was involved and what they actually did. It's important to be completely honest and, for instance, identify whether someone may have prevented you from doing something or perhaps tried to stop you from taking a particular course of action.

Step 4

Ask yourself truthfully what you could have done differently that would have resulted in a better outcome. Be through because it may only be a little thing but it could make all the difference in the future.

Step 5

Identify what anyone else involved could have done differently and what you could have done to help them to do so. Be prepared to admit where you were at fault including by maybe just standing by and letting something happen.

Step 6

Define what the best outcome would have been for everyone concerned.

Step 7

Having followed the steps so far, now write a plan for how you would achieve the desired outcome in the event of the incident occurring today. Be clear and concise in the steps you would take and how you would interact with anyone else involved.

Step 8

Write a list of all the things you have learned by carrying out this exercise. Once again you must ensure you are honest with yourself and don't ignore things that might be less then palatable to you.

Step 9

Identify how the things you have learned can help you to achieve the goals you have and what additional things you need. Establish clearly what you have learned about your strengths and weaknesses and how you can act upon them.

Step 10

Write a clear plan as to what you are going to do in order to put to use what you have learned. Only by setting and following well thought out, well-planned, and written goals will you achieve what you want in life.

We all make mistakes and get things wrong but by having a genuine desire to learn from the events in the past you can truly take advantage and move forward. Don't let the mistakes of your past spoil your future because we are human and not perfect, we will always make mistakes that sometime we even not realize it.


improve your self confident


Almost everyone wants to build more self confidence. Self confidence is like a bank account, you need to make regular deposits into it to keep it growing. So, here are 5 great tips that you can try to improve your confident.

Focus on your strengths.
Self confidence means freedom from self-doubt. People who have a lot of self confidence focus on what their strengths are, not on what they can't do. Everyone has weaknesses, but the difference is not everyone do well on them. Make a list of your strengths today and focus on things you do well.

Set goals.
Having achievable goals is a quick way to become more self confident. Having goals gives you a sense of purpose and by achieving those goals over time you will gain self confidence. If you don't have written goals, then you should start today.

It is a fact that you can't feel depressed when you are smiling. In fact in one study done, a group of people who were depressed were told to smile in a mirror for only a few minutes a day. The results were amazing. Most of the people improved how they felt.

Change your posture.
Picture in your mind someone who looks depressed. That pictures likely shows someone who has hunched over shoulders and a sad expression on their face. Now picture someone who has a high level of self confidence. That picture probably shows someone sitting straight up and a bright smile on their face. Just by changing your posture you can improve your emotional state.

Be Grateful.
Being in a state of gratefulness is another way to build self-confidence. Everyone, no matter how bad their situation can find something to be grateful in their lives. By being grateful and focusing on the good things in your life you can improve your outlook. Spend some time every morning when you wake up being grateful for what you have, and your whole day will go better.

As you can see building self confidence comes down to your mind and how you think. Having all the self confidence you want is, within you right now, if you just change the way you think. Start today and use at least one of these tips and you will see and feel a difference in your life.


Tuesday, March 24, 2009



Why Friendship and what is need of friendship

Why we need friendships when we have a lovely life in this world. Why we need friends in our life.
Well friends, this is a tedious question to answer. Lets see each questions.

Why we need friendships?

Friendships are the gift to the man kind. The relation which we get in this world are blood related. But the only relationships which doesnot related to blood is friendship. Friendship has many forms and shapes. It is like water. If we pour the water into a jug it takes the shape of jug. if you pour the same water into a bowl it takes the shape of bowl. Sameway friendships will take a different shapes and sizes according to our heart. Friendship gives pleasure to human beings. Where there is friendship then there will not be any sorrow. When you see a child laughing you will forget your sorrows for a second, sameway when you are with a friend you forget your sorrows.

Friendships crosses boundries

The world is rotating smoothly because of the friendly hearts in the world. it crosses boundries and share a mutual bonding of love. Friendships will take care of this entire world from problems. If we are friends then our countries will, when our countries are friends then there is not need of weapons. So take weapon named friendship and love and conqure the world with love.

Friendships saves life

Trusted true friendships never makes others down. it helps a lot to make friends to comeup from the situation. Friendships never expect anything in return for all its offering. It saves life without looking into situation.

Why we need friends & friendships?

Friends comes with friendships, They are the channel of love and affection. Friends are like child's heart which doesn't know wrong thinkings. When there is a friend with us we feel secure, happy, huge support, and comfortable which you can't get from others.

So Lets get some real friends in this world. and lets Be Friends.


conflict oh conflict


Some couples have serious issues with constantly arguing in a relationship. There are several reasons that this is a very unhealthy way to live. Firstly, this type of consistent fighting can lead to harsh words and feelings, and even violence. It makes friends and loved ones very uncomfortable around you, and it can ultimately cause a break up in the relationship.

The first nasty result of constant fighting and arguing in a relationship is that there are harsh words said that cause harsh feelings. Saying, I'm sorry, is often not enough of a band-aid for some people. Many times, when people are angry at each other, even if they care a great deal for each other, they say things that they later regret and, at the time, do not even mean. Even if the argument is over and all is forgiven, this type of harshness sometimes hangs over into the relationship far after the altercation is over.

Another thing these types of arguments can lead to is physical violence from either party. This is definitely a place you do not want this arguing to escalate to.Another thing that can happen if you happen to argue with each other in the company of other people is that people will no longer wish to be around you as a couple.

Having someone argue in front of you makes for a very uncomfortable situation. If this happens on such a regular basis that you become known for it, people will begin to decline social invitations, and may begin to avoid you both all together. Being known for constantly bickering is not a good way to be remembered by friends.

One final bad result of arguing all the time with your mate is probably the most obvious. Eventually, the arguing will become tiresome and too hurtful to bear. When this happens, it ultimately could lead to the break up of the relationship. Though at the time, breaking up may be the desirable alternative to consistent bickering, it is probably not the ultimate desire when the relationship first started.

If you can find a way to get past the things that have been said before and forgive, you may be able to keep the relationship from falling apart.The negative effects of constantly arguing in a relationship are not just on you and your spouse, though those are enough. Negative effects include harsh words and hurt feelings, sometimes escalating to violence, making others uncomfortable around the both of you, and breaking up.

While these are all devastating effects to the couple itself, it is also devastating to those who are around and care for the couple as well. This type of conflict in a relationship is so negative and unhealthy, and if it is possible to resolve, it should be for the sake of the relationship.

don't ignore the problems occur but try to solve it in positive ways.

''try the best to achieve the best among the best''


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