Saturday, March 28, 2009

recover from break ups


Break up seem to be, unfortunately a normal part of the modern day life. Healing from relationship break-ups and divorce are a difficult task at best.
Some people never completely recover, carrying with them the pain of the break up through life. Others become immobilized from the fear of getting close to a partner again. Even celebrities have break-ups; Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston to be said the most famous one.

Even if you are the one who initiated the breakup, the feeling of loss and separation can be distressing. There is a mental state called “separation anxiety”, which describes the feelings you may have now that your partner is no longer a part of your life, your thoughts, and your emotions. The important thing is to figure out the best way to get past this and get the breakup out of your system.

The following are the top 10 ways to recover from a break up and speed up the healing process.

1. Allow yourself plenty of healing time.

Different people heal at different rates so be patient with yourself. It’s okay to grieve and cry, just make sure you make an effort to not use this as an excuse for being a hermit many months later.

2. Stay busy.

Don’t allow yourself any “daydreaming” time. If you have time for a part time job, get one. If you don’t want a job, take up some volunteer work. Take up a hobby. Focus on anything you enjoy.

3. Exercise and improve your diet.

Besides giving you a positive endorphin rush, joining a gym can put you into social circumstances. Through exercising and improving your diet, you’ll not only be taking care of your body and your health, you’ll improve your self esteem as well.

4. Make an effort to meet new people.

Join a club, take a class, volunteer, go the park, attend a concert. Allow these larger social groups to replace the connections you had with your lover for a while. Take action and just do it.

5. Seek professional therapy.

There is no shame in seeking outside help. If you can’t afford therapy, seek out a support from a relationship recovery message board.

6. Surround yourself with as many family and friends as possible.

If your relationship with your friends and family suffered because of the huge amount of time you spent with your sweetheart, now is the time to patch up old relationships.

7. Focus on yourself.

Much of your energy went into your relationship and now you have time to pamper yourself. Take those long baths you never had time for, read that saucy novel that has dust on it, so now is the time to work on yourself.

8. Strengthen your spiritual side.

Pray or go to church for non muslim. It’s amazing how these things can help re-center you.

9. Give advice to other women who have it much worse than you.

It will put things in perspective and allow you to stop feeling sorry for yourself. There are lots of people with problems far worse than yours. Help them.

10. Adopt a pet.

Studies show that people with pets are overall happier and live longer. Go to your local animal shelter and adopt a pet in need. Just make sure you have the time to take care of your new friend properly.

believe in can do it..
although the pain is so hurting you...
you can if you want to...


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